Sunday, October 18, 2009

Opening Night

The opening night reception for The Human Eclectic group exhibition went off just great last night at Merry Karnowsky Gallery here in Los Angeles, with a huge turnout! Here's a shot of Sena Inukai, who posed for my painting, and her friend Fumi Omori. I'll be putting more pictures up shortly of the full event, but I wanted to get this link posted of the artists and their works that are included in the exhibition for those of you who could not attend. And for those of you who could and did turn out, thank you so much for making for a wonderful night – What an "eclectic" crowd it was!" To view the work go to The Human Eclectic site. Also, for a few more pictures, check out Eric Nakamura's blog.


  1. Yayyy!!!! :D (^___^) I'll show fumi too.

    Great Showw!!

  2. 3 happy faces.
    She is beautiful, and the painting become More interesting to after seeing her face, and she is using with the same kimono.

    Never read of Sara Escamilla before, she is incredible, and How much paintings Barron Storrey constructs a day?

  3. kent,

    huge congrats!

    a beautiful show.


  4. Congratulations! Looks like it was an awesome show. Also congrats on the sale...I see the big red dot all the way from over here.
